Severe Weather Blooper 02/13/201210/24/2016Lucas Well I screwed up and walked in front of the green screen RIGHT when they were cutting to weather. For some reason this [...]
One Night with Lucas 11/10/201110/24/2016Lucas They say you can never go home. But on Tuesday, November 8th I did. Breaking that rule lead to a great outcome. We [...]
One Night with…Me 10/27/201110/27/2011Lucas I’m returning to the stage where I first got to perform, The Minco High School Auditorium, for a night of dinner and comedy. [...]
Lucas Plays Vegas…kind of 10/12/201110/12/2011Lucas I was invited to host Sonic Restaurant’s national convention in Las Vegas recently. It was an honor to be there with names like [...]
Lucas Inspires Youth… 09/28/201110/12/2011Lucas I spoke at Chickasha High School a few days back. They were looking for a key-note speaker for the regional FCCLA meeting. What [...]
“Welcome” to Minco 09/27/201110/24/2016Lucas When people ask me where I’m from, I show them this: [...]
Addicted to Winning 09/27/201110/24/2016Lucas In dedication to Charlie Sheen’s return to prime-time, here’s the song I wrote with him. He provided the lyrics, I just added the [...]
Discover Oklahoma 08/11/201111/12/2016Lucas I have recently started doing stories for Discover Oklahoma! Every now and again you can catch my stories about food, exploring and [...]
REVIEW: Banjo Farm 07/31/201007/31/2017Lucas Laugh with Lucas at the Banjo Farm By Brent Wilcox, Minco Millennium “I want to hear Lucas Ross again,” said Kai from [...]